This study is an attempt to explain coordinate conjoining as a rule-governed process of establishing specific semantic relations within and between sentences. Coordination is thus conceived of both as a basic device of linguistic complex formation and as a rather fundamental principle underlying the creation of the text. From the point of view of achieving coherence, coordinate conjoining is described in this monograph as an integrative process. Described are the conditions governing this process, the rules according to which take place, in short: the complex interaction of various linguistically identifiable features displayed by coordinate structures. Coordinate conjoining is regarded here as the result of the interplay of three factors which belong to distinct levels of semantic description: the meaning of the conjuncts, the relation between the meaning of the conjuncts and the meaning of the connectors. The step-by-step explication of the interaction of these levels in determining the semantic interpretation of coordinate structures forms the core of the present study.
Translated by: John Pheby