Game-based pedagogy is gaining significant momentum among global educators, especially with Covid-19 more post-secondary and K-12 institutions have resorted to e-learning but often find issues with student engagement. Game-based pedagogy uses games for achieving learning outcomes, can be digital and non-digital and can promote deep meaningful learning.There is a misconception among some educators that digitized learning or game-based pedagogy means using technology, such as an iPad, SmartScreen, or computers in the classroom as a tool for project level student work. Other misconceptions occur when educators use video games to encourage students on a reward system by allowing them to play games at the end of week of traditional learning. Game-based pedagogy and digital pedagogy is a mindset change. Games have been proven to have a positive outcome on cognitive processes.
This book examines the use of game-based learning to produce more engaged learning among students, especially boys. This subject area and themes presented in this edited book are of high interest to educators in K-12 levels, academicians, and researchers around the world. Game-based pedagogy is of interest specifically in schools and higher education but there is also a potential for interest from the global Ministries of Education and in institutions that deliver content for professional practitioners.