Merriam Press Waffen-SS Series. Contents: Swiss Volunteers of the Waffen-SS; Letters From the Germanic Volunteers of the Waffen-SS; The Latvian Border Guard Regiments Attached to the Waffen-SS; Waffen-Untersturmfuhrer der SS Janis Dzenis; VI. SS Army Corps (Latvian) and the Third Battle for Kurland; Waffen-SS Personalities; A Waffen-SS Marriage in Prague; The Leather Jacket: An Incident in the History of the 24.Waffen-Gebirgs (Karstjager) Division der SS; Cherkassy Pocket: The Final Figures; Reassembly Area of the 33.SS-Volunteer Grenadier Division "Charlemagne"; Waffen-SS Miscellany; SS Special Staff Rode; Photo Essay: SS-VT Armored Car Reconnaissance Troops in 1938; More Dutch Knight's Cross Holders?; A Bulgarian Volunteer in the Waffen-SS; The Oldest Swedish Volunteer in the Waffen-SS. 154 6x9-inch pages, 88 B&W photos and illustrations, 1 map, 1 color painting, 1 color map/insignia chart.