At first, theologians insisted that Moses wrote the Bible. Much later, that was disproved by brave souls using the very words of the Bible itself to do so; Moses had written nothing. For the last century or so, scholar have known that many authors contributed to the writing of the Bible, and they could sometimes distinguish what an author wrote, but they had to give the authors alphabet names (J, E, D etc.) as they did not know who they actually were. This is the first book to actually identify a Biblical author, and it was the first and most significant author of the Bible. That author was Tamar, the daughter of King David. Tamar didn't make up or invent what she wrote, but she was nevertheless the author because she was the first and only person to record in writing the beliefs of her people. For a thousand years or so the people orally transmitted their beliefs from generation to generation. Her scroll, covering The Creation to the time she stopped writing (which I calculate to be in 962 BCE), could be called the first stand-alone Bible, the Tamar Bible. Just as it was proven a millennium ago through use of the words of the Bible that Moses did not write it, I use the words of the Bible to prove that Tamar was its first author. Those words were in the Bible all that time, but remained unseen until now. I show exactly how I found Tamar to be the first author, supplying my proof as though it was a biblical "who-done-it" story. Tamar's personal tale is intriguing, the kind you would expect to see on the screen. It starts with her rape by her half-brother, the Crown Prince. That rape leaves her disgraced, un-marriageable and desolate in the house of her full-brother, who later avengesher. She takes to recording the oral tradition of her people and devotes her life to it. After she stops writing, she has to face the priests who want to change the religion. Tamar's personal story appears in the second part of this book so that it doesn't detract from the biblical discoveries covered in the first part. It is essentially a separate tale. My second discovery was what Judaism was originally like. Much has been written on Judaism, but it is based on the Bible as it currently exists in the form of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament we have at home. Over the centuries, the Judaic priesthood added much to Tamar's Bible, literally burying Tamar's text in the sheer volume of their additions. The additions were not only at the beginning and the end, but also interspersed throughout Tamar's text, sometimes only a word or sentence at a time. My first step was to identify what Tamar had written, for only that text recorded and portrayed the original religion. Identification of Tamar's original text was not enough. It had to be given meaning, theological meaning, something else that had never been done before. Nobody had ever presented a coherent theological explanation of what original Judaism was like and what it stood for. I do that in this book, believing that it would surprise you as it did me as I was pulling it all together. Again I give you full explanations in support of what I say, this time based on the words of Tamar as best as I could identify them. Judaism was changed by the priests' additions to Tamar's Bible. It became apparent that the priests' purpose was not to correct or supplement Tamar's recording of the oral tradition, but to deliberately change the religion totheir liking. I call it a highjacking as I believe it was done without the people's approval or even knowledge. The freedom loving original Judaism was made increasingly demanding. As a result, some Israelites more readily accepted the kindly Jesus and the advent of Christianity.