We hear a chorus of voices telling us what the Koran stands for. Perversely, the Islam basher and the terrorist agree, legitimizing each other. According to the Islam basher, the Koran says "kill" so that Islam might be bashed all the more. The terrorist agrees and goes out to kill, claiming justification. But the Koran does not say "kill." And so it goes, both Westerner and Muslim are caught up in a web of Koranic misrepresentation based on interpretations, not the plain words of the Koran. This book sheds light by providing an unbiased reading of the plain words of the Koran. With this, the picture of Islam changes and causes us to refocus on the obvious disconnects that appear between the Koran and how some of its followers practice the religion. The disconnects and what the Koran itself says to do about them provide a most interesting discussion. This book tells it as it is, and proves what it says with very readable quotations from the Koran cast in clear, modern English. You will be able to see exactly what the Koran stands for and how it is being dishonored by those who do not follow it. You might also be pleasantly surprised as misapprehensions about the Koran are corrected. You need this book to understand what is really going on, and it is an easy read. Included in the Appendix is "Advice To Would-Be Jihadists," explaining what suicide recruits are being told and showing how that violates the Koran. Also included is "Just & Unjust Jihads" which analyzes some ancient Islamic wars, the recent wars in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and the three Saddam Hussein Wars; all in terms of whether those wars can be considered just jihads under the Koran, and also covering the United Stateroles in the recent wars. "Responding to the Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama Bin-Laden & Hizbullah" compares their statements to the Koran. And "A Brief History of Early Islam" is a fascinating portrayal of Islam's history starting with the Patriarch Abraham and the Kaba and going through the period when Islam was the light of the world in the arts and sciences.