An estimated 400,000 people in the UK have some form of facial blemish, including birthmarks, burns, cancer, and scars from accidents. And, around 40,000 people in the USA have some form of birthmark alone. The psychological impact of these can be tremendous, impacting severely on social, work and relationship confidence. However, modern surgery, laser and other treatments can be of great help in overcoming scarring and other disfigurement. Sophisticated make-up is another option. Yet, all too often, people with birthmarks or blemishes are ill-informed as to which treatments are available, and how to access them. One example is accessing suitable make-up for a range of skin colours, which can be surprisingly difficult.This book looks at the emotional and practical side of living with disfigurement. The topics covered include: coping with other people's attitudes and perceptions; overcoming childhood trauma; confidence-boosting tips and other life skills; lasering and other treatments; and, getting quality support from family, friends, professionals, and support groups.