There are 66 direct quotations from the book of Isaiah found in the New Testament, along with another 19 allusions to it. Believing that God has divinely interconnected His Holy Scripture, I have, as much as possible, tried to allow the Bible to interpret itself. This commentary was not written by a scholar, for scholars, or even pastors for that matter, it was written for the average working man or woman. Homemakers, this includes you. It is for those of you who want to dig a little deeper into the Word of God without having to own a library of commentaries and encyclopedias. I have, as much as possible, tried to eliminate theological terms, trying to make this book as straight forward as possible.You can study it any time, all you need to get going is your Bible, although most of the Bible verses have been printed out for your convenience, and 15 to 30 minutes. May God bless you as you study His Word!