The scholarship of Leo Kenis has been characterised by methodological
rigour and a broad-ranging interest in the history of church, theology
and religion in the 19th and the 20th centuries. His most valued
contributions concern the history of the Louvain Faculty of Theology,
the crises of Modernism and Nouvelle théologie, the Second
Vatican Council and the post-conciliar transformations of the Catholic
Church in Belgium and Western Europe.
This volume collects twenty-five contributions from Louvain and
international colleagues working in the same field of expertise, who are
all familiar with the research of Leo Kenis. Four domains of his
expertise are addressed in this volume: the history of the (Ancient)
Louvain Faculty of Theology, the Modernist Crisis, the history of
religious orders abroad and at home, and the preparation and
implementation of the Second Vatican Council. These contributions honour
and extend the research of Leo Kenis as a Louvain scholar in religious