With feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement, you can change your life by rearranging your home. The careful arrangement of the contents of any room, from kitchen to office, can dramatically improve your health, finances and relationships. Creating good feng shui can be as simple as moving your furniture, as subtle as hanging a mirror or highlighting an auspicious colour, and as personal as your own decorating taste. Simply assess your goals and priorities - whether to improve family harmony or succeed in business - and put feng shui to work for you. This easy-to-use, room-by-room handbook provides tips for good feng shui in every part of your home, as well as simple cures for feng shui problems. For instance: Does your front door directly face an interior staircase? Good luck may be running out the door - and out of your life! But putting a mirror on the landing can draw in positive energy and circulate it around your home to improve your fortunes. For more restful sleep and better health, move your bed away from overhanging beams, as these can create aches and pains in the parts of the body they cut across.
And a beam dividing the bed between the sleepers can result in marital problems...In the kitchen, keep stove burners clean and use them all regularly. Clogged burners can block your income potential, and keeping the heat and energy passing through these openings will prevent your family's business prospects from growing cold. Move your desk so it faces your office door, not the wall. If your back is to the door, you'll be surprised by people coming in - and by what they are saying. Enhance your finances by placing a fish tank in your living room or office. The flow of water represents cash flow, and the fish symbolise abundant wealth. Other books by Kirsten M Lagatree Feng Shui at Work.
Foreword by: Angi Ma Wong
Illustrated by: Frank Paine