The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) will be considered as a significant category in the Eurozone as of November 2014. Thus, the European banking architecture is fundamentally changed and adapted to the requirements of a European banking union.
- Purpose of the SSM and Basic Functioning
- Some Fundamental Questions.
- Governance Structure and Decision Making
- The Applicable Nouns and Procedural Law
- Determining the Significance of Credit Institutions and the Endowment of the ECB
- Tasks and Powers Relating to all Credit Institutions
- Tasks and Powers Relating to the On-Going Supervision of Significant Credit Institutions
- Enforcement and Sanctioning Powers
- Close Cooperation
- Supervisory Fees
- Contesting ECB supervisory decisions in front of the ABoR
- Contesting ECB
- Non-contractual liability of the ECB for ECB supervisory decisions
- SSM Regulation (SWOP) and the so-called Framework Regulation of the European Central Bank (FR) are the legal basis for the institutional and operational architecture of the SSM.