Anorexia is a distressing condition that commonly affects teenage girls but also touches women and men across all ages. As well as the physical dangers, sufferers experience difficulties in many aspects of their lives, including relationships, work and family life. Anorexia can be a serious condition - studies of severe hospitalised cases show that between 5 and 21 percent die, from starvation and suicide. Contrary to popular belief, however, 'once an anorexic, always an anorexic' isn't true - it is possible to beat anorexia and live a life where food, weight and shape play a more healthy and less dominant role.This book is aimed at sufferers, parents and partners, and points out how to recognise anorexia, and what to do about it. It deals with the physical and psychological features. The reader will be able to better understand the causes of anorexia and the anorectic mind. There is a strong emphasis on relieving the helplessness and anxiety felt by carers, with information on the nature of anorexia, treatment options and recovery. The book deals with how to access professional help.
There are also practical suggestions to assist sufferers and their families overcome the condition.