Adventures with More Natural Wonders is an immersive encounter with even more breathtaking natural wonders of our world. Where can you find singing sand? What makes the telegraph plant dance? Do Mexican jumping beans really jump? Scale a rocky slope to Pulpit Rock. Be awed by the crystals of Naica Mine. And drift about with millions of jellyfish. From the pink sandy beaches to bubbling mud pools, and from steep cliffs to the depths of the ocean, experience awe-inspiring natural wonders as never before!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi: