Negotiating Group Identity in the Research Process: Are You In or Are You Out? focuses on researcher identity and the role it plays in conducting research, whether as a member of the culture being studied (i.e., an insider) or as an outsider to that culture. Contributors address the problems researchers face as insiders and outsiders, the practical strategies used to overcome related obstacles, the implications of insider/outsider status for the design of the study, the value of insider and outsider perspectives, the impact of this on the findings of a study, the implications for advocating on behalf of a group being studied, and other important topics. These scholars are from within and outside the field of communication and include well-known and emerging scholars who have studied a multitude of groups using various methodological strategies.
Contributions by: Wilfredo Alvarez, Nicole T. Castro, Brian Cogan, Kelli Coghill, Katrina A. Comber, Brad Crownover, Lawrence R. Frey, Susan J. Gilbertz, Howard Giles, Jane Giles, Michael J. Grabowski, Alan Hansen, Anastacia Kurylo, Tyler (Ellora) LaCarrubba, David Linton, Trudy Milburn, Anthony Naaeke, David L. Palmer, Marie L. Radford, Jessica S. Robles, Natasha E. E. Shapiro, Fernando Taveras