Partnerships in urban planning: DATUTOP 26, Department of Architecture, Tampere University of Technology, Occasional Papers
Kustantaja/Publisher: Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston arkkitehtuurin osasto / TUT Department of Architecture
In present -day urban development, new models of public-private co-operation are applied locally in order to intensify the implementation of development projects. Such arrangements are generally discussed within the concept of partnership. There are certain mechanisms, such as legislation, which create structures for the public-private relations at the initial stages. The structuring mechanisms can be clarified by analysing the legally-defined planning instrument called "development area" and its local applications. How do the mechanisms structure such projects and partnerships? How do the mechanisms define the processes? To answer these questions, the interrelationship between structures and agencies in the formation of planning processes has to be understood.
Partnerships in Urban Planning explores the relations of the the public and private sectors in the context of "development area". It focuses on the economic and political definitions in general and the organisational aspects in particular in the case-studies in Finland, Germany and Britain