This novel is a delightfully humorous collection of tales of intriguing women apparently cowing Satan and basically taking Hades over. They will capture your attention, making you giggle and laugh at the ladies' escapades. Contents: Eve steps out; truth about the Garden of Eden; virtue of padlocked wives; why Solomon had a press agent; good-bys and alibis; Phryne and the naked truth; Salome succeeds in getting ahead; when Lucrezia served mushrooms; Delilah shows what makes strong men weak; why wives leave home; Sappho's burning passion; Alexander, the great lover; Cleopatra takes a chance; Hell's belles. Illustrated. Also found in our volume is Gentlemen in Hades, where we catch of with Lavinia McGann, the daughter of a millionaire who is transported from Park Avenue to a dingy walk-up across the railroad tracks in East Gehenna, a cheap suburb of Hell's magnificent metropolis. Like Ladies in Hades, this novel will keep the reader in stitches!