This volume explores the psychology of attention and discusses the various cognitive processes that determine what we pay attention to.
Much of our conscious moments are spent interacting with visual objects that we attend to and integrate into our consciousness. This book examines how we navigate this complex world of real and virtual objects and provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of attention and cognition. It focuses on themes related to different aspects of attention such as visual cognition and spatial orienting, selection history, priority map, the role of consciousness in attention research, and distractor suppression. It also discusses issues related to forming a comprehensive taxonomy of attention, emerging trends in attention research today and how they are being consolidated into the existing knowledge.
Based on empirical research, this book will be of interest to students, researchers and teachers of cognitive psychology, cognitive science, cognitive and computational neuroscience, and computer sciences. It will also be useful to academicians, psychologists, neuroscientists, mental health professionals and counsellors.