The scarcity of radio spectrum is one of the most urgent issues at the forefront of future network research that is yet to be addressed. To address the problem of spectrum usage efficiency, the cognitive radio (CR) concept was proposed. The challenges of employing CRs include ensuring secure device operations and data transmission with advanced computing techniques. Successful development of CR systems will involve attainment of the following key objectives:
Increasing the rate and capacity of CR-based networks
How the power is utilized in CR hardware devices with CMOS circuits
How the framework is needed in complex networks
Vedic multipliers on CR networks
Spatial analysis and clustering methods for traffic management
To transmit a large volume of data like video compression
Swarm optimization algorithms
Resource sharing in peer-to-peer networking
This book gathers the latest research works focusing on the issues, challenges, and solutions in the field of Cognitive Radio Networks, with various techniques. The chapters in this book will give solutions to the problems that Industry 4.0 faces, and will be an essential resource for scholars in all areas of the field.