This book provides a forum for international and interdisciplinary discussion of phenomena where materials performance may be enhanced through engineered surfaces and interfaces. The materials science of hard and wear-resistant coatings, including nanostructured coatings, is a scientifically challenging problem with immediate technological applications in machine and machining tools, magnetic recording and other manufacturing industries. Hard coating systems designed for use in next-generation materials applications must achieve a combination of physical properties. The performance and reliability of MEMS devices strongly depend on the near-surface properties and many materials issues at the micro- and nanoscale remain to be resolved. This book reviews key aspects, discusses ongoing research and speculates on future trends. Topics include: nano- and micrometer-scale characterization and properties; synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials; deposition, characterization and properties of films and coatings; industrial applications of surface engineering; atomistic and continuum modeling of materials properties; surface engineering issues for bio/microelectronics applications; and surface engineering issues in MEMS structures and devices.