To all those who know that truth alone will free us from the tyranny of indoctrinated pious obsessions this volume is sincerely dedicated. 'This book has been written to tell the truth about a religion that has produced such obviously irrational behavior. The story needs telling all the more for the reason that it has never been told in its bald straight factual truth, and because heaven and earth have been called upon to prevent its being known ever since the third century. It is in the main truth that has been suppressed, buried, its evidences destroyed, its documents changed, with a story far other than the true one substituted in its place. The position taken is in no sense opposed to religion per se; it only holds that religion divorced from philosophy is inadequate to man's highest needs and will prove a treacherous and eventually dangerous guide in life." Partial Contents: Primeval Christianity; The Shadow of the Sphinx; When Vision Failed; The Veiled Light; Wisdom in a Mystery; Milk for Babes; Hatred of Philosophy; From Religion to Philosophy; To Faith and Knowledge; The Great Ebb-Tide; Crumbs From the Table of the Gods; Wisdom is Mute; The Myth-Ghosts Walk Abroad; Paul Knows Not Jesus; Great Pan is Dead; The Real Ghost of History; Dementia in Excelsis; Prayer and Healing.