The Toddler's Busy Book - 365 Fun, Creative Games and Activities to Keep Your 1-1/2 - 3 Year Old Busy
"The Toddler's Busy Book" is written with warmth and sprinkled with humour and insight. It should be required reading for anyone raising or teaching toddlers. It shows parents and child-minders how to: prevent boredom during the longest stretches of bad weather with ideas for indoor play, kitchen activities, and arts and crafts projects; save money by making your own paints, craft clays, glue, paste, and other arts and crafts supplies; stimulate a child's natural curiosity with simple math, language and motor-skills activities; encourage a child's physical, mental, and emotional growth with ideas for music, dance, drama, and outdoor play; enjoy holidays and rainy days with special projects and activities; and, keep toddler's occupied during long car journeys.