The perception of nature and landscape is a central theme for the Italian artist Gianni Caravaggio (b. 1968). His poetic sculptures and installations aim to arouse in the viewer the memory of feelings evoked by the experience of nature and focus on the essential unity of man and nature.
In his timeless works Gianni Caravaggio examines the invocation of unconscious images of nature which result from the relationship between material, space, time and man. A key expression here is landscape which no longer represents, but is to be conveyed as “pure perception” in the sense of Kazimir Malevich. The combination of traditional materials – bronze, marble or wood – with everyday substances such as talcum powder or sugar, as well as the presentation of the sculptures directly on the floor, exerts a unique attraction by virtue of their reduction.
Contributions by: N. Bätzner, G. Caravaggio, D. Ferrari, H. Kube Ventura