The rapid increase in IT infrastructure and presence in cyber space has given rise to enormous chances of security breach. Cybersecurity is one of the burning issues in today’s modern world and the lack of cybersecurity policy and cyber strategy might make the situation vulnerable. Today blockchain technology has almost covered every sector from business to data security. This book is written for all enthusiastic and cyber professionals in this new era of blockchain technology. Blockchain has already proved its versatile nature as adopted by several governments and tech giants from all over the world. Any anonymous user can trust another anonymous user in the cyber world with the authentication and validation via blockchain technology.
Blockchain governance provides a more distributed diffusion of authority in which authentication sources are the individual themselves. This book offers approaches for cybersecurity and cyber defense via blockchain technology to counter cyber-attacks and ransomwares that are increasing every second. The book can be used in many ways by several cybersecurity professionals to secure online data, people, and networks as a part of cybersecurity, information security and cyber defense initiative with several countermeasures and defense strategies in the web. Each chapter of the book provide excellent tools and techniques for the burning and challenging issues in today’s modern cyber (and zero trust) world.