This book addresses the climate risk influencing biodiversity globally and discusses the sustainable use of biological diversity and its legal implications. The sustainable bio-prospecting will help conservation regarding the resources and livelihood support of those who conserve it from the UN CBD perspective. In mega bio-diverse countries, biodiversity provides a number of ecosystem services as well as sources of income/livelihood for millions of poor and they are also the home of a vast repository of traditional knowledge (TK) associated with biological resources which can be translated therapeutically. As for Climate risks, the risks related to unscientific management and use of biodiversity are far more compared to the benefits for society and business and therefore, reducing pressure on biodiversity and developing a sustainable commodity supply chain is essential for both the industry and the governments. Exploring and further mining of the vastness of biodiversity potential, in the marketplace, has been a subject of great consideration among biotechnologists, food processors, health care specialists and the like, as they are real money-spinners. The book will be of interest to researchers/College/ University students interested in ecology and biodiversity conservation worldwide