Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, Karl-Heinz Steffens
Krenek: Potpourri Op. 54
Krenek: 7 Orchestral Pieces
Krenek: Symphony 'Pallas Athene'
Krenek: Tricks and Trifles
Ernst Krenek stood between the opposing musical worlds of his mentors: on the one hand, Franz Schreker (an exponent of late Romanticism); on the other, Arnold Schoenberg (who pioneered new territory). His own development as a unique, modern musical voice was correspondingly slow. During his subsequent years of travel, his quest for new means of expression eventually led to two contrasting works: the jazz opera Jonny spielt auf and the twelve-tone opera Karl V.
From time to time he resorted to earlier stylistic idioms, as evidenced on this recording by Potpourrie (1927) and Tricks and trifles (1945)
"Sarjallinen modernismi ei varmaan ole monen kuulijan lempityyli, mutta Krenek rakentaa siitä toiminnallista, dramaattista ja rikkaasti soivaa musiikkia. Rheinland-Pfalzin valtionfilharmonia soittaa Karl-Heinz Steffensin johdolla erinomaisesti avaten Krenekin musiikista laajan ilmaisuasteikon." - Antti Häyrynen, Rondo 2/2020.