'A Practice Manual for Community Nursing in Australia' is an evidence-based practice companion for community nurses. It has been specifically developed for Australian nursing students and community nurses practising within the Australian community health care context because community nursing practice requires unique ways of knowing, understanding and practicing. Focussing on the common elements of community nursing practice and framed by primary health care principles, best practice is promoted through the inclusion of guidelines to assist decision making and the detailed descriptions of procedures commonly performed in community health care delivery.
The editors and contributors highlight key challenges in Australian community nursing practice, including the reality of the community care environment and the potential boundaries. Insight is provided into practice issues including informed consent, clinical governance, risk and incident management, infection control, disaster response; assessment and documentation practices, manual handling, clinical competency and client education.
Debbie Kralik is Director of Research, Royal District Nursing Service, South Australia.
Katherine Trowbridge is Research Associate, Royal District Nursing Service, South Australia.
Judy Smith is Executive Director of Nursing and Client Services, Royal District Nursing Service, South Australia.