The central link in this unique collection of short stories is the post-Holocaust impact on the lives of the characters. Each story is situated in a different geographical locale as if to demonstrate that the shards of that evil epoch are scattered far and wide, the emotional traumatic outcomes are diverse and may or may not bring "closure." The characters are highly individual. Some are fragile and frail, others are brutal. Some are impaired and are relieved of their debility through the unfolding of events, long after their traumatic occurrence. The passage of time is key to the stories, each beginning during the era of WW11 and ending in the present.
For the reader who has an interest in post-Holocaust literature and in the damaged human condition, this book is a must, since it does not deal directly with the events that concluded in 1945. It begins with the emotional and fateful sequel as experienced by the survivors of that horror and transpiring results, such that each individual's story unfolds years after the etiology.
Foreword by: Alan Berger