Stories the director himself said they didn't dare put in the anime! Q: What happens when you try to act like an anime character in real life? A: EXCEL SAGA. Two groups of neighbors in an apartment building lead secret lives. One thinks they're trying to take over the city of Fukuoka. The other thinks they're trying to defend it. Only their bosses, would-be conqueror Lord Il Palazzo and obsessed bureaucrat Dr. Kabapu, know the truth behind this increasingly dangerous private game... Too bad neither will let their underlings in on it!
They were always hassling Number Six about why he resigned, but when your boss is Dr. Kabapu, there should be no mystery that the younger and still human members of the City Environmental Security Administration have just given notice. But their mass walkout from the office is about to collide with the massive presence(s) coming in, known as Miwa Rengaya. Will this noted motivational speaker help Kabapu's employees face what could be the greatest challenge of their careers--namely, actually doing
their supposed face down ACROSS in mortal combat?