Stories the director himself said they didn't dare put in the anime! Q: What happens when you try to act like an anime character in real life? A: EXCEL SAGA. Two groups of neighbors in an apartment building lead secret lives. One thinks they're trying to take over the city of Fukuoka. The other thinks they're trying to defend it. Only their bosses, would-be conqueror Lord Il Palazzo and obsessed bureaucrat Dr. Kabapu, know the truth behind this increasingly dangerous private game... Too bad neither will let their underlings in on it!
It's oo-er in the sewer as Excel and Elgala make their stealthy, stinky way beneath Fukuoka, determined to return to base at last! But when Excel fulfills her dream of reaching out to touch her Lord, it seems he's not quite there... but unfortunately, a certain sprightly robot is! And speaking of mechanical menaces, why should Iwata be allowed to create chaos in just one body, when there's so much more he could inflict with three? Sent by Shiouji to infiltrate the underground sanctum, there's only one thing now that can prevent the professor from learning all of ACROSS's secrets--the fact Iwata is extremely dumb.