This book is based on a profound study of literary sources and carefully planned fieldwork which throw fresh and novel light on the origins and development of Indian culture. Professor Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi has raised, analysed and solved questions of vital importance to all those interested in the study of Indology such as the data of Karle Caves; the background of Kalidasa's plays; the significance of the great Pandharpur pilgrimage; and the economic, cultural and historical basis of the Goan struggle for union with India and others.
The work is most refreshing in its range of material as presented for the first time. The author makes an impressive use of scientific methods in many fields-archaeology, ethnography, philology and others. The logically consistent and intensely stimulating analyses and conclusions are often startling but always convincing and undeniably important as a landmark in the study of Indian tradition.
Key Features
* Essays in this volume are based upon the collation of field?work with literary evidence.
* Fresh data and logical interpretation cast fresh and novel light on the origins and development of Indian culture.
* The work is most refreshing in its range of new material presented here for the first time Original discoveries of megaliths, microliths, rustic superstition and peasant customs.
* Author's masterly analysis is logically consistent and profoundly stimulating.
Note: Now this ISBN-9788171548705 has a new identity.