God-Creature-Revelation - A Neoclassical Framework for Fundamental Theology
Those looking for a synthesis of faith and reason should look toward this cohesive up-to-date version of 'process theology'. Resistant to past criticisms of process theology, this book presents a resonance model of revelation that envisions us 'tuning-in' to God. Comprehensively, God-Creature-Revelation also provides modern Christians with an understanding of evolution in consonance with current scientific knowledge, and a coherent argument as to why worship-worthy God is responsible but not indictable for evil. Contents: Introduction; Two Dominant Aspects of Contemporary Human Experience; A Shift in Perspective: A Neoclassical Framework for Fundamental Theology; The God-Creature Interaction in a Neoclassical Framework; A Neoclassical View of Evolution and Evil; Revelation Revisited; Summary and Potential of a Neoclassical Framework.