The Orgasm Answer Guide answers common questions many people have about one of life's most fascinating experiences. In an accessible question-and-answer format, four of the world's leading sexuality experts address every aspect of orgasms: how they happen, why they don't, and what can be done to enhance sexual experiences. The authors provide clear and informed answers to more than 80 common questions, including: * Can an orgasm cause a heart attack?* Does childbirth affect orgasm?* What is the G spot?* How can I tell whether my partner is faking an orgasm?* Do orgasms end at a certain age? The all-star author team includes neuroscientist Barry R. Komisaruk, bestselling author and sexual health researcher Beverly Whipple, BBC sexuality talk-show host Sara Nasserzadeh, and Mexico's leading sex researcher, Carlos Beyer-Flores. Credible, readable, and easy to follow, The Orgasm Answer Guide tells you everything you ever wanted to know...but were afraid to ask. Major Magazine Coverage of Komisaruk, Beyer-Flores, and Whipple's The Science of Orgasm: Esquire; O, The Oprah Magazine; Glamour; Women's Health; GQ Italy; Self; Elle; Men's Health; Cosmopolitan U.K.