This popular textbook offers an inspiring and focused introduction to the study of organizational behaviour and management. The second edition builds on the fresh and innovative approach to the study of management and organization introduced in the first edition. To make the subject matter more relevant and accessible, it treats organizational behaviour as a field of activity that has many parallels with everyday life, particularly in relation to participating in organizations and institutions. Uniquely, this textbook presents two distinct and highly contrasting perspectives on organizational behaviour, discussing the alternative critical perspectives alongside the more traditional approaches, to encourage critical thinking and debate. Each chapter has been fully updated by specialist authors who are committed to thinking differently about the field of organizational behaviour. They effectively identify and explore the key concepts that underpin this diverse subject in their respective chapters, utilising a range of international and everyday examples.
The second edition benefits from a new four-colour design and uses a variety of pedagogical features to engage students and provide a stimulating learning - and teaching - environment. This text is ideal for use on introductory undergraduate and post graduate courses in Organizational Behaviour and Management. This textbook is autopackaged with CourseMate. CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate includes an integrated eBook and interactive teaching and learning tools including quizzes, flashcards, videos, and more and an EngagementTracker, a first-of-its-kind tool that monitors student engagement in the course.