Upper Egypt - Its Peoples and its Products. A Descriptive Account of the Manners, Customs, Superstitions, and Occupations of the
15 years later he had, in 'Upper Egypt: its Peoples and its Products', produced a comprehensive account of the manners, customs, superstitions and occupations of the people of the Nile Valley, desert region and Red Sea Coast. Written some 40 years after Edward William Lane's influential 'Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians', it is with the latter book that Dr. Georg Schweingurth, in his prefatory note, compares Klunzinger's achievement. Recalling how, on first meeting the author, he had urged him to develop the field of Egyptian culture and produce 'an appendix to the Baedeker of the future', he predicted that Klunzinger's book would become 'an indispensable addition to the library of every Nile tourist, however small it may be'. 120 years later, 'Upper Egypt: its People and its Products' retains both its interest and its power to delight, and will appeal to the expert and casual reader alike.