This anthology offers sources in the four areas of Vedic tradition; The Hindu religions; The Hindu philosophical quest; and Hinduism encountering other religions. In the first section, besides providing translations from the Vedas and the Vedic legal and ritual literature, some passages from contemporary scholarly writing about Hinduism are offered, in the context of the discussion about the character and 'essence' of Hinduism. In the second section, major extracts (translations) will be provided from the scriptures of Vaisnavism, Saivism and Saktism. Also samples of modern scholarly writings about these traditions will be included. In Section iii, translations of passages from the writings of Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva will be provided, together with summaries of Upanishads and Yoga. Section iv will contain original wirtings and translations from the works of a veraiety of key Hindu thinkers and philosophers, including Ram Mohan Roy, Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Aurobindo Ghose.