For commodity traders and portfolio managers--a practical, hands-onguide to profiting in today's growing international cross ratemarkets. Cross rates trading is growing increasingly popular,fueled in no small part by banks and multinationals seekingcreative strategies for hedging currency risk and speculatorsseeking profits from interest rate plays and exchange rate moves.Trading Currency Cross Rates is the passkey to this vastlyprofitable financial sector. Written for the experienced tradermoving into the currency futures and foreign exchange cash markets,as well as for the corporate portfolio manager seeking to limitcompany exposure, this professional guide covers the fundamentalsof today's cross rates markets and delivers the step-by-steptechniques needed to trade cross rates successfully. Packed withcharts and tables that apply over a broad range of internationalmarkets and currencies, the guide:
* Explains what cross rates are and profiles the different typesthat currently are traded
* Shows whether to trade on an agency or principal basis, and howto avoid counterparty failure
* Covers the building blocks of currency valuation and the bestmethods for forecasting moves in currency cross rates
* Reveals how to profitably trade exotic cross rates amongcurrencies from the Pacific Rim and Middle East
* Explains how to cross over to the growing interbank currencymarket, and which fundamental and technical analysis techniquesspecifically apply to it
* Discusses how to easily adapt any current trading system and itsinput to the profitable cash markets
Featuring the expertise of a leading cross rates trading expert ina concise, direct, accessible format, Trading Currency Cross Ratesis the dependable, single-source guide to trading cross ratessuccessfully.