Keep Up Your Biblical Aramaic in Two Minutes a Day has been specially designed to help you read a small amount of Biblical Aramaic daily, in a manageable and enjoyable way. It focuses on the fundamentals of language learning-vocabulary, morphology, and syntax-in a maximally efficient and enriching way. The page for each day presents: 2 new vocabulary words, with transliteration and definitions, beginning with the most common words and proceeding to the rarest, the English text of a verse from Daniel or Ezra, with the day's 2 Aramaic words embedded in it, as they appear in the verse and the Aramaic text of the verse, in full and then divided into phrases or clauses, with the corresponding English phrases or clauses next to them.
More than 1/3 of the words in Biblical Aramaic appear only once in the Bible. When these hapax legomena begin to be presented in Keep Up Your Biblical Aramaic in Two Minutes a Day (about 3/5 of the way through the book), all that appear in a particular verse are presented together as the new words for the day. The result is that-although there are 716 unique vocabulary words in Biblical Aramaic-by the time you reach the end of this book you will have learned every single word that occurs in Biblical Aramaic. And during this process, you will have read most (more than 80%) of the Aramaic verses found in the Bible.