Are you suffering defeat, feel as if you are cursed and constantly battling illness? Have you wondered why you repeatedly find yourself in the same horrible situation, experiencing financial difficulties, or unexplained circumstances? Does it feel as if you are fighting an invisible army bent on your destruction? The fact is: You are! This book will show you what the Bible has to say about this evil army; how to identify its attacks on your life and will equip you to effectively overcome it. Through this book you will be introduced to the hierarchy of the enemy with a clear view into the rankings and names. You will become aware of knowledge within the Bible that has been hidden in plain sight. Information, hidden by Satan with the sole purpose of keeping us from walking in God's blessings and protection. This book will challenge you to evaluate your own walk with God. By identifying your weaknesses you will not only be exposing the work of the enemy in your life but also highlight opportunities for growth to enhance your walk with the Lord. The purpose of this book is: -to empower God's children through knowledge -to restore the deliverance ministry to the church -serve as a training manual for home cells and church groups