Study Sense 4e is a unique learner’s handbook in textbook format for use in college Freshman Experience courses.Based on researched principles of how memory functions, Study Sense clearly and simply lays out the beauty of learning, beginning with learning to listen and going on to apply memory principles directly to the process of study.Using Study Sense opens an entirely new vista of confidence for students that they can master what appear to be even the most difficult courses. It empowers them to fully understand any subject for themselves at the level of their instructors. Simple, but powerful, sections include vital direction on managing online courses, sleep cycles, and time management for learners of all ages and backgrounds, both traditional students and adults returning to school.Previous editions have been used successfully for over 20 years with rave reviews from both students and instructors. Students consistently report that Study Sense has increased their understanding and academic success while reducing their stress levels and overall study time. All report that they wish they had access to it earlier in their educational experience.