We all mentalize, because mentalization is the technical term for determining, assuming and interpreting mental processes and states in oneself and others. This ability is unique to humans, it is a fundamental anthropological constant in social communities. It promotes social learning, successful relationships and mental health and is crucial for almost all interpersonal, group-related, social and political processes. In this collective work, the third volume of the trilogy on mentalization-based pedagogy, scientific foundations as well as possibilities and limits of the mentalization approach beyond the area of psychopathology and pedagogy are discussed for the first time. The contributions open up new perspectives on current social and socio-cultural issues, such as E.g.: culture-related mental development, dealing with artificial intelligence, inclusion, social networks and institutions as well as anti-democratic prejudices and other political content. For example, pioneers such as Peter Fonagy, Michael Tomasello and Heidi Keller, as well as other well-known experts, summarize the current status of the discussion on the topic of mentalization in sociocultural, developmental psychological, educational and anthropological contexts. The result is a compendium that emphasizes the central importance of mentalizing for interpersonal and emotional learning and processing processes as well as for the understanding of social phenomena such as anti-democratic attitudes, social learning, inclusion, group processes and mental health. With contributions by Liz Allison, Julia Berkic, Dickon Bevington, Felix Brauner, Josef Brockmann, Chloe Campbell, Andrea Dlugosch, Isabell Dziobek, Peter Fonagy, Manfred Gerspach, Stephan Gingelmaier, Heidi Keller, Holger Kirsch, Daniela Mayer, Tobias Nolte, Markus Paulus , Tobias Schlicht, Nicola-Hans Schwarzer, Svenja Taubner, Michael Tomasello and Eva Weber-Guskar.