The materiality of plant remains from 36 Neolithic sites of the Linearbandkeramik, Funnel Beaker and Single Grave Culture, and the Dagger groups as uncovered by archaeological excavations in northern central Europe is presented in this atlas to facilitate archaeobotanical investigations by offering photographic references to fossilized charred plant remains and, in some cases, subfossil waterlogged plant remains. The respective archaeological sites are briefly introduced, the plant assemblages shortly evaluated, supported by informations on plant use. Plant lists and new radiocarbon data supplement the volume.
The atlas compiles examples of ancient plant remains that were investigated from 2009 to 2019 in three collaborative research programs at Kiel University, SPP1400 'Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation', SFB1266 'Scales of Transformation: Human-Environmental Interaction in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies', and the Botanical Platform of the Graduate School 'Human Development in Landscapes' (GSHDL).