In A Man Attested by God J. R. Daniel Kirk presents a comprehensive defense of the thesis that Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels is best interpreted as an idealised human figure rather than divine. Counterbalancing the recent trend toward early high Christology in such scholars as Richard Bauckham, Larry Hurtado, and Simon Gathercole, Kirk here thoroughly unpacks the humanity of Jesus as understood by Gospel writers whose language is rooted in the religious and literary context of early Judaism. While not totally denigrating divine Christologies, Kirk argues that idealised human Christology is the best way to read the Synoptic Gospels, and he explores Jesus as exorcist and miracle worker within the framework of his humanity. With wide-ranging exegetical and theological insight that sheds startling new light on familiar Gospel texts, A Man Attested by God offers up-to-date, provocative scholarship that will have to be reckoned with.