The Camberwell Assessment of Need for Adults with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (CANDID) assesses the needs of people with learning disabilities and mental health problems. It is a modification of the Camberwell Assessment of Need, the most widely used needs assessment for people with severe mental health problems. The CANDID assesses met and unmet needs in twenty-five areas, covering a full range of social, physical health and mental health care needs. The perspectives of staff, the service user and the informal carer are each assessed, so that care planning is fully informed. Two versions have been developed: CANDID-R is the full version for research use and CANDID-S is the short version for both clinical and research use. Both versions are included in photocopiable form, along with a training programme and full rating guidance. CANDID has been rigorously developed and tested by a multidisciplinary team at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. It is suitable for use with adults with all levels of learning disabilities, and will be of particular interest to managers and mental health care staff who wish to meet their legal requirement to undertake a comprehensive assessment of need.