Regeneration, i.e. the replacement of lost body parts by new outgrowths or by remodelling existing tissues, has been studied for centuries. However, in recent years important developments took place in this field too, owing to new soph- isticated techniques and to novel theoretical concepts. Advances in Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, Cell and Neurobiology, Immunology, to mention a few of them, are the main causes of this resurgence of interest in regeneration. As a consequence, more and more meetings and pUblications are devoted, either exclusively or for a large part, to basic and applied research of regenerative processes. "Regeneration- ists" scattered in laboratories allover the world and accus- tomed to know each other through exchange of reprints - occa- sionally an encounter in a large conference - tend now to form small groups, even societies and to institutionalize their meetings. Although the critical mass of scientists involved in regeneration research does not seem yet to be reached, for an autonomous development of this sector, regular and frequent meetings of experts appear useful, even necessary. Such a meeting was convened in Saronis, near Athens, Greece, from 19 to 23 September 1988 and sponsored by the NATO Science Committee and the University of Athens. The present volume contains the contributions to this Advanced Research Workshop on "Recent Trends in Regeneration Research". About 50 biologists from different countries, either mem- bers of the Alliance or outside it (U.R.S.S., India, Egypt, Switzerland, Sweden) took part, mostly as invited speakers.