Clayton King has spoken to two-million-plus people in 30 countries, including hundreds of thousands in the teen-to-thirties age group. Inspiring, humorous, energetic, he presents Christianity's unchanging core message with new vividness and passion.
In Dying to Live, he challenges Christians to throw aside the "bigger, richer, more successful" paradigm and risk following Christ unreservedly. Readers will freshly see the joy of laying their lives down for the gospel as Clayton...
tells stories-his own and others'-that give poignant, attractive pictures of radical discipleship
considers why people are drawn to those willing to sacrifice themselves for others
examines Jesus' paradox: that giving away your life is the only way to find it
Believers hungering for a life that's worth dying for will be electrified by this passionate call to the bold virtues of living all-out for God, risking death, knowing their life is significant and their future is secure.