Few-Body Systems refer to a multidisciplinary subject of research in different sectors of physics in which the number of degrees of freedom governing the dynamics is sufficiently low to allow a description with controlled approximations. Examples can be found in atomic, nuclear and subnuclear physics as well as in some aspects of condensed matter.
This issue, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Journal, contains two review articles, one in exotic hadrons and one in antikaon-nucleon systems, as well as a selection of original articles on experimental and theoretical physics in which modern problems in few-body systems are discussed. Specific arguments, presented by world expert leaders, are very extensive and include the three and four-nucleon system, short-range correlations, universal behavior in few-boson systems, perspectives on the origin of hadron masses, scattering problems and studies using electromagnetic probes. This issue gives an overview of actual problems in Few-Body Systems.The articles have been previously published in Few-Body Systems, Volumes 57 - 58 (2016 - 2017)