For a mariner, the ‘porthole’ of a ship is the view, not only to the port, but also to the wider world. The title of the book implies that a yearning in any person to have a closer look at geopolitical, strategic and maritime issues and developments leads to a more ‘encompassing’ perspective, and thus a better understanding and assimilation of realities concerning international affairs. The nautical chart in the porthole represents the prevailing geopolitical (including geo-economic) issues in the predominantly maritime-configured ‘indo-Pacific’ region, shaped by the strategic imperatives of the stakeholders in the region. The fragmented background represents the complexities of international relations and the existing voids in ‘still-evolving’ international law. The cover also depicts symbols of maritime power and nautical usage representing the salience of the seas for the regional countries to meet their overarching national objectives. The sea could be a source of natural resources, a medium for communications and access to resources, and an enabler of multifarious international engagements.