The use of mathematical techniques has been gaining popularity in social and biological sciences as well as in the field of commerce and management for the last two decades. The exactness and precision of mathematical language and methods have made it possible to explore large areas of research in these subjects which remains hidden so far from the keen eyes of the researchers. Today one could say that mathematics is probably the most convenient shoulder to lean on for not only pure sciences but subjects like commerce and economics.
The present exposition is intended as a textbook keeping in view the needs of the undergraduate students of commerce and economics. This book is divided into thirteen chapters which are as follows: Functions, Limits and Continuity; Differentiation of Functions; Partial Differentiation; Differentiation and Partial Differentiation (Applications); Integration; Definite Integrals; Matrices and Determinants; Matrices (Continued); Linear Programming (MathematicalFormulation & Graphical Method); Linear Programming (Simplex Algorithm & Duality); Transportation and Assignment Problem; Financial Mathematics (Compound Interest &Annuity); Differential Equations (Separation of Variables, Homogeneous & Linear Differential Equations of Order one & Degree one).