Muslims in Indian Labour Market: Access and Opportunities analyses closely the notion of discrimination against Muslims, the resultant alleged inequality of opportunity and their validity in terms of access to and absorption in the Indian labour market. Using rigorous theoretical, conceptual and empirical frameworks, the book discusses extensively the concept of opportunity of employment and access to existing opportunities. The prevalent socio-economic and political factors are untangled and the characteristic features of job seekers are analysed.
The book explains the nuances behind the alleged deprivation of Indian Muslims through an empirical investigation of distribution of employment opportunities based on National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) data. In pursuance of the same idea, the book operationalizes data within the framework of the Human Opportunity Index of the World Bank and puts the debate regarding discrimination against Muslims to empirical testing. Due to its rigorous approach and coverage, the book will prove indispensable for gaining a firm understanding of the actual status and role of Muslims in the Indian labour market.