Ironman athlete and movie-multiplex owner Penn Ketchum rediscovered Psalm 23 one day on mile fifteen of an eighteen-mile run. "I'd sung all the verses of all the Bob Dylan songs I knew, when my mind jumped to Psalm 23 from my Episcopal upbringing. Except this time I considered each phrase—and tried out some different words here and there that belong to the world I live in. This old beloved Psalm moved into my day-to-day life where I've felt some inadequacy, insecurity, fear." In this book is the iconic Psalm, along with Ketchum's "other words," and his invitation for you to add your own. "This book is for the faithful but, more so, for anyone who is not connected—normal schmoes like me, going through life looking for clues." The drawings are Ketchum's—simple figures, sometimes conflicted, who are often missing parts. "Readers will see, through the words and artwork," Ketchum says, "that heavy ain't always heavy."