Linear Panel Analysis: Models of Quantitative Change focuses on the use of linear models in the analysis of change data measured on a sample of individuals over multiple time points. This book is organized into 12 chapters. After a general introduction to change analysis in Chapter 1, some basic algebraic results on change scores are presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 constructs and analyzes structural equation models for studying the causes of change, while Chapter 4 outlines several ways of simply describing change in groups. The uses and abuses of cross-lagged panel correlations are discussed in Chapter 5. Chapters 6 to 10 deal with a variety of special topics that arise in panel analysis. The alternatives to the analysis of over-time data for a set of individuals are described in Chapter 11. The last chapter is devoted to the practical aspects of designing and carrying out the data collection phase of a panel study. This publication is intended for social scientists who work with change data.